How to announce new experts

Once the expert is listed on the website, follow the steps below to draw attention to the newly-onboarded expert:

  1. Add New Expert of website. (see ‘Website Edits for Experts’ section below)
  2. Feature the new expert in the monthly newsletter (coordinate at @core-newsletter)
  3. Feature the new expert on social media in the upcoming post (coordinate with Tegan/the marketing team)
  4. Feature the new experts in the welcome call (coordinate with Marie)
  5. Add new experts in the respective community notion page (e.g. #learn-energy, Climate Finance Learning Group, etc. Check Join a community)
  6. Prepare a blurb for @Inbal Nachman to announce the new expert in the #announcement channel
  7. Ask the new expert to introduce themselves in the relevant sub-community channels, see example

Recurring Marketing Tasks

Social Media

On a recurring basis, we feature experts or testimonials on WoCl social media.

Before deciding on which expert to promote, always head to the website and check on the experts’ availabilities. There are no hard and fast rules, make sure the expert(s) you want to promote has at least 2-3 slots open in the coming weeks.

  1. Coordinate with the marketing team (mostly Tegan). The expert feature goes out to Linkedin/Twitter once every two weeks, alternating with testimonials collected from #share-your-path
    1. Expert feature week: Figure out which expert to feature and let the marketing team know once confirmed
    2. Testimonial week:
      1. Check the repo to see if there is any suitable testimonial to feature. The testimonials collected here were from #share-your-path.
        1. Check with the person whether we have permission to share the testimonial
      2. Check #share-your-path directly if we need anything more recent. Get permission to share from the person who posted it
      3. Pass the information to the marketing team


WoCl newsletter goes out to the subscribers once a month.

Welcome Call

The community welcome call happens once a month. Sign up here so you are aware of the schedule.