Read more in this doc.
E.g. instead of saying "This % people consider climate work important" say "More and more people are switching into climate" (give some numbers).
Rationale: Gregg Sparkman's research on contagion of dynamic social norms [1 2]
Instead of focusing on doom and gloom, focus on the possibility to make impact.
Rationale: Theory of planned behavior: intention = attitude + perceived norms + perceived degree of control
Encourage people, team up, etc.
Rationale: This dissertation - support from one's circle was important in overcoming barriers.
Do not portray as heroic - instead portray as maybe bold but normal.
Rationale: This paper - media portrayals of switches into mission-driven work often heroic, associated with downshifting in status; could be counter-productive / dissuade people who see themselves as heroes.